domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

Hello! My name's Marian, I'm from Balaguer a city in catalunia. I'm thireen years old and my birtday is in Desember. I study English choot.Iwould like an e-friend to help me study English.
I get up early everiday and, I go for a walk with my dog. After school, I go home and I have lunch. Then I go to the park with my dog. The park is opposite my house. Igo to bed al ten o'clok.

I love art. I play study with my English friends every saturday. I also like computer games.


I'm Alma and hrer is my virtual bedroom. It's medium size and very comfortable.Every wall is is different colour, pink and purple, and there are fantastic viws from every window. I love it.

In my room, there are two beds, one next to the door and the other next to the window. My room has got a big desk in the wall oposite of beds. Next to the table, I have got a big box to put toys, but I have got books. In my room, there's a wardrobe, but there isnt a mieeor. 

My favourite thing in the room is my laptop because I use it to walch Netfix.